Tuesday, March 3, 2009

movie review for SlumDog Millionaire

The movie Slumdog millionaire was directed by Danny Boyle. The movie takes place in India, in the mist of a riot. The main character Jamal and older brother Salim witness their mothers death, and are now orphans to the street. Jamal at the end of the day Jamal meets his love interest Latika. Though-out the whole movie he is in search to find her. Which leads to him going out for the Hindu version of "Who wants to be a Millionaire?" If he wins he would get 20 million rupees, but the only reason he was playing is in hopes of finding Latika after loosing her to a gangster again. This gangster that she works for also has her brother employed. As they portied once employed you cannnot get out. So Jamal ends up winning the game and all the money because all the questions were thing that he had learned in his hard life. The government thought that it was impossible for an uneducated boy from the streets to win so they beat and abused him until they finally found out that he wasnt cheating. in the end the brother dies because he let Latika go without permission from and Latika and Jamal were together at last.
I loved the movie. There was action, comedy, romance, and even a few scary scences. It was a masterpiece in my eyes. It's the type of movie you will watch over and over again. In the future i believe the actors will make many more movies.

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