Sunday, February 1, 2009


In the story, Santiago said the smell of guavas stirs up memories of " later summer afternoons and hop scotch under the mango tree." Well for me the smell of sugar cookie stirs up a memory of laying down all day because my stomach was too full to get up. I know that it might not sound as pleasant as Santiago's memory but it's special to me.
One afternoon my mother made three batches of sugar cookies because she knew that they are my favorite. She told me that i couldn't have any until i was finished with dinner. Dinner wasn't until three hours from now and the aroma was making me crave for them. Plus everyone knows if you tell a child they can't have something, they will want it more. So when my mother went into the room to sit down, I snuck into the kitchen like an F.B.I. agent. She caught me. That wasn't until after i ate about 15 cookies. I felt like i had won. That changed after my stomach started to hurt worst than it ever had before. I stay home from school for a week straight because my stomach was in so much pain. Every time i smell sugar cookies it makes me think of that day. And surprisingly enough I still can't get enough of the soft, sweet, and chewy, sugar cookies.

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