Tuesday, April 21, 2009

arguementive exercise 2

There have been plenty of times when i felt unwelcome for an unjust reason. But i don't think that any of these times were intentional. The people that made me feel out of place were to caught up in the feeling of acceptance, they didn't notice that i was slightly uncomfortable. For instance, one of my friends is a rocker. She listens to rock music and follow the trends. I on the other hand, I listen to urban music, grew up in an urban area, and dress accordingly. When we are around her friends they talk different, using there own set of slang words and I feel unnoticed. But the something happens when she's around my friends. Yes it gets annoying sometimes. But it's not intentional.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

after reading Wurster's "Won't you be my Friendster?" I have would state that i can concrete see the points she was trying to put emphasis on. my experience with Social-networking sites has been similar to hers, with the good and the bad. when Myspace first emerged, i found myself turned off by the inane idea of putting up pictures of myself and disclosing personal information for anyone and everyone to see. however, curiousity would soon override common sense and i found myself on Myspace, chatting with people familiar and unfamilar. I found that I could keep and touch with old friends and make new ones with the click of a mouse. however, as Wurster states, "the openness and remoteness of the internet can weaken healthy inhabititans." girls that i had been friends with could be seen bearing most of it, (not all, thank god) for anyone willing to glance at their page. underage kids would lie about their age to gain access to these sites. people would lash out at other peoples pages in vicious comments that would eventually lead to fights. i guess that when your on the internet talking to someone you may or may not know, you tend to gain a false sense of inviciblity because you don't think anything can happen when your in the comfort of your home on the web. like them, love them, hate them, it doesnt appear that Social Networking Sites such as Myspace and Facebook are going anywhere.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

blog 6 song translation

The song that i chose is Hip Hop is dead by Nas. It is such a controversial song. Everyone in hip hop either loves it or hates it. The translation of the song wasn't hard for me. I did learn new slang words in the process. The hard part was finding the song. I examined at least 15 other songs until i choose to do my report on Nas. He as a rapper is brilliant. I am a very big fan and can't wait to wirte this essay!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

blog 7-

Song 1-
The song starts off with piano keys. It is a jazz song by Billie Holiday. She has this drunken yet soft and beautiful voice. It is a slow love song. She explains how she is in a daydream and happy just thinking about her love interest It gives you this romantic evening feeling. As it goes into a instrumental solo you can hear a trumpet a string instrument and the piano.

Song 2- Express yourself
The men come into the song speaking. Then the beat drops. Its upbeat and has a siren sound. The old school song comes on, the original express yourself. He starts to rap. The song has a good message because he is telling everyone His voice is deep, but still clear enough to understand. The overall song lifted my spirit. The rapper starts to rap without the beat. The drums are apparent in the beat.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

movie review for SlumDog Millionaire

The movie Slumdog millionaire was directed by Danny Boyle. The movie takes place in India, in the mist of a riot. The main character Jamal and older brother Salim witness their mothers death, and are now orphans to the street. Jamal at the end of the day Jamal meets his love interest Latika. Though-out the whole movie he is in search to find her. Which leads to him going out for the Hindu version of "Who wants to be a Millionaire?" If he wins he would get 20 million rupees, but the only reason he was playing is in hopes of finding Latika after loosing her to a gangster again. This gangster that she works for also has her brother employed. As they portied once employed you cannnot get out. So Jamal ends up winning the game and all the money because all the questions were thing that he had learned in his hard life. The government thought that it was impossible for an uneducated boy from the streets to win so they beat and abused him until they finally found out that he wasnt cheating. in the end the brother dies because he let Latika go without permission from and Latika and Jamal were together at last.
I loved the movie. There was action, comedy, romance, and even a few scary scences. It was a masterpiece in my eyes. It's the type of movie you will watch over and over again. In the future i believe the actors will make many more movies.

Monday, February 23, 2009

blog #6 sex drugs and rock and roll

A baby boomer is a person that was born between the year 1946 and 1965.

The article was very interesting. I never realized how much of an impact my mothers and fathers generation really had on us. I don't believe that they had a conference like this in the white house. I don't blame the all the baby boomers though. I just blame the ones that run the media. In my opion the media has nothing to offer besides drugs sex and violence. The sats that they had on how much violence and sex and beer comericals were surprising. Over all i believe the essay itself was well written and the ending was perfect.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


In the story, Santiago said the smell of guavas stirs up memories of " later summer afternoons and hop scotch under the mango tree." Well for me the smell of sugar cookie stirs up a memory of laying down all day because my stomach was too full to get up. I know that it might not sound as pleasant as Santiago's memory but it's special to me.
One afternoon my mother made three batches of sugar cookies because she knew that they are my favorite. She told me that i couldn't have any until i was finished with dinner. Dinner wasn't until three hours from now and the aroma was making me crave for them. Plus everyone knows if you tell a child they can't have something, they will want it more. So when my mother went into the room to sit down, I snuck into the kitchen like an F.B.I. agent. She caught me. That wasn't until after i ate about 15 cookies. I felt like i had won. That changed after my stomach started to hurt worst than it ever had before. I stay home from school for a week straight because my stomach was in so much pain. Every time i smell sugar cookies it makes me think of that day. And surprisingly enough I still can't get enough of the soft, sweet, and chewy, sugar cookies.


Shame is a painful emotion cause by embarrassment and or disgrace. I like to think of shame as an emotion that you can't prevent. The difference between guilt and shame is are the circumstances. When someone feels guilty, they must first feel like they did something wrong. That is not a requirement for shame. For example, as a teenager my parents can be extremely embarrassing. When they do get around my friends they always do something weird. It really never fails. When my friends talk about it later, i don't feel guilty because i did nothing wrong. I feel ashamed because of my parents actions. My friends laugh at me for a while, then the next topic comes up, and they forget it ever happened. That's how it's always been. I never feel ashamed for a long period of time because it's not my fault. I realize that and the event doesn't seem bad at all anymore. Guilt, on the other hand, i can feel that for days.